About Steve
Yes, that's Steve.
The little kid on that bloke's shoulders.
Even at an early age, Steve knew he was destined for advertising.
For over twenty years, Steve has written, created and directed multi award winning, TV commercials and cross platform campaigns for his clients. His campaigns have been recognised in award festivals in Cannes, One Show, D&Ad and AWARD at home in Australia.
Steve has led large departments of writers, art directors and designers in multinational agencies like Y&R and BBDO and helped smaller start ups receive international success very quickly. He's sat on boards and award juries, and loves to get behind a camera and direct the occasional commercial or short film.
His passion for brands saw him start each project with a blank page where he would create the idea and see it through to its final production and broadcast; taking a hands on approach from scriptwriting, through casting, set design, post production and music composition.
In the last few years, Steve has turned his attention to Branded Entertainment, such as writing and directing 26 films featuring Tennis Legend, Andre Agassi which have been broadcast globally. This unique film series was awarded a Cannes Lion and One Show Entertainment award.
Steve now writes for agencies and clients directly through his own company Escape Plan.
When not doing all of the above, Steve spends time in his thousand year old house on the border of Tuscany and Umbria in Italy.
But not as often as he and his family would like.